Our team strives to provide our clients with high level business-oriented and innovative legal solutions. If you intend to establish or enhance your business in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, our law office is the right choice for you. Stay hungry for success and let us worry about legal matters.
We understand that comprehensive legal protection means very little unless your business is maximizing its revenues and profits. In our practice we deeply care about this often forgotten fact and it is this what keeps our clients coming back to us again and again.
Unlike traditional law firms, we translate often confusing legal rules into straightforward, practical advice that makes your business operations easier and more efficient.
ACHZ is a full-service law firm located in the heart of Europe, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Our specialization lies in IT law, telecommunications law, intellectual property law, life sciences and health care law.
If you have to deal with any IT matter such as outsourcing, data protection, project documentation, big data or E-Commerce, or if you plan to transform your invention into a future prosperous enterprise, we are ready to assist you. We can consult you on your business strategy from the legal perspective of view and push your business forward, taking our strict business oriented approach into account.
We’re always trying to push the envelope on legal services because we see a tremendous room for improvement here. Information technologies, biotechnology form the bleeding edge of future tech.
We understand that to be successful in the future, we must embrace this challenge and build a deep understanding of all the core technologies, life sciences and health care sectors.
We’re always trying to push the envelope on legal services because we see a tremendous room for improvement here. Information technologies, biotechnology form the bleeding edge of future tech.
The first priority on our list is to prevent any damage or complications and preserve the rights of our clients. Then, we design a strategy on how to handle the matter, taking timelines, goodwill and cost effectiveness into consideration. The last part consists of an efficient and professional legal solution that is presented to our clients in a personalized and comprehensive way.
In the course of his professional career, Marian gained extensive experience in the field of corporate law, corporate governance and IP/IT protection for international clients. He continues to deal with various issues regarding establishing a successful business not only from a legal, but economical and business perspective.
"My goal is to improve on that experience and provide my clients with the best possible services that require "more than meets the eye".
tel.: +421 949 110 446
email: cuprik@achz.sk
business card: download
As a team member of leading local and international law firms, Juraj took part in numerous considerable legal transactions. He has significant experience in the areas of IT law and Telecommunications, Mergers & Acquisitions, Litigation and Dispute resolution, as well as Life sciences and Health care area. Juraj holds LL.M. degree from University of Passau (Germany) and gained practical legal experience in German jurisdiction.
"An innovative approach, client service and goal oriented legal services are the crucial principles of my practice."
tel.: +421 917 580 442
email: hudak@achz.sk
business card: download
Alex Henker is our partner attorney for Austria and Germany and is based in Vienna (Austria). He has extensive experience in provision of legal services to numerous domestic as well as foreign clients in the Austrian and German market. Alex has been practicing law for 10 years and provides his clients with a wide variety of legal services and is especially proficient in immigration law.
tel.: +43 6991 3459 858
email: alexander@henker.cc
business card: download
Dominic Ye is our representative in mainland China and has been practicing law for nearly 20 years in Guangdong Guangxin Junda Law Firm, the largest law firm in Guangzhou, China. He has extensive experience in cross-border transactions and other investment transactions and cross-border dispute resolutions. In the past ten years, he has accumulated considerable legal experience in the aviation industry.
tel.: 133 1282 3125 (PRC)
email: dominicye@etrlawfirm.com
Andy Cheng, is a lawyer qualified in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom with vast experiences in corporate and commercial law. Prior to establishing Andy Cheng Law Firm, he was an IPO lawyer with an international law firm in Hong Kong. He has been studying in Keio University, Japan, and is completely fluent in Japanese. Currently, he is the legal advisor appointed by the JETRO in Hong Kong as well as the contributor to the legal column of Hongkong Post, a paper for the Japanese community in Hong Kong.
email: andy@andysolicitor.com
Ve své advokátní praxi se zaměřuje především na poradenství podnikatelům s česko-polským působením. Bohaté zkušenosti má dále v zastupování klientů v řízení před Nejvyšším soudem, Ústavním soudem a Evropským soudem pro lidská práva. Vedle své advokátní činnosti Katarzyna vyučuje na Právnické fakultě Univerzity Kralovy v Praze.
tel.: +420 723 085 085
email: info@achz.cz
business card: download
Ivana Sliacka has been active in advocacy since 2012, when she graduated from the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc. Ivana focuses on providing legal services in the area of civil, criminal and insolvency law. She is also registered in the Register of Providers of Assistance to Victims of Crime and in the Free Records of Entities Providing for Processing of Debt Allowance.
tel.: +420 732 700 601
email: info@achz.cz
Adam Gajdoš je advokát s niekoľkoročnou praxou a skúsenosťami získanými pri poskytovaní právnych služieb českej a medzinárodnej klientele. Adam sa špecializuje najmä na medzinárodne a európske právo, zdravotnícke a farmaceutické právo, ochranu priemyselného a duševného vlastníctva, autorské právo, zmluvné právo, litigácie a právo obchodné. Adam sa venuje aj právu informačných technológií, právu životného prostredia, pracovnému právu a verejnému obstarávaniu a výberovým konaniam. Adam absolvoval Právnickú fakultu Univerzity Karlovej v Prahe, v rámci programu LLP-Erasmus absolvoval štúdiá na právnickej fakulte Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen v Holandsku so zameraním na európske právo a medzinárodné právo verejné a súkromné.
email: gajdos@achz.cz
Bozděchova 7
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Staré Grunty 18
841 04 Bratislava
Floriánska 19
040 01 Košice